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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  February 2, 2013 8:00am-9:00am EST

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good morning, america. this morning -- the face of a kidnapper. our first look at the man holding a 5-year-old boy hostage in an underground bunker. we hear from children to witnessed the actual school bus shootout. >> he said, i'll kill you all. >> and the abduction. the voice. the man behind the manti te'o hoax. re-creates the voice of the fake girlfriend that tricked the notre dame football star, but is it really him? our experts weigh in. home alone. the 11-year-old hiding in the closet, dialing 911, as burglars ransacked the family home. how his quick-thinking saved the day. and are you ready for some groundhog? it's groundhog day and super bowl weekend. so, this morning, we're asked
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the ultimate question, can the groundhog predict the winner of the big game? meet staten island chuck. it's also groundhog day. we should say that this whole thing about animals predicting the weather, makes our meteorologist ginger zee mildly defensive. >> he sat next to me in thermal dynamics. >> i heard her say before the show to the producer, it's the groundhog or me? make a choice. good morning to everyone at home. we got you covered from the big easy, coaching brothers jim and john harbaugh, will be on opposite sides tomorrow. they squared off for the first time in a pregame news conference. who came out on top? as an only child, i can't
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understand this rivalry. you have a brother, you get this? >> yes. i have always lost. this morning, behind the scenes of one of the best of the super bowl ads. here's the star, there she is. a baby budweiser clydesdale. so young that she doesn't have a name yet. >> look at that sweet face. and if you're watching the game, you want to eat, right? from the show that brought you the 47-layer dip, now, bam, nacho lasagna. we'll tell you what you need to make it. coming up on the show. >> apparently it's low fat? >> no. we're going to start with news. we're going to take a first look at the man who provoked an extraordinary crisis this morning. we have all seen hostage negotiations in the movies, but this one is stranger and more disturbing than fiction. involving a 5-year-old boy and a survivalist and real no end in sight. abc's gio benitez is in midland city, alabama, once again this morning. >> reporter: dan, good morning. this is now day five of this
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hostage standoff, it's happening right there in the building. behind that building there in the distance. now, this for the first time we are learning new details about how it all started. from the children who were there and saw it all happen. this morning, a photo of the man who police said launched a dramatic hostage standoff. jimmy lee dykes has been holding 5-year-old ethan against his will in an underground bunker since tuesday. communicating with the negotiators through the pipe. >> i looked up and he's talking about threatening to kill us all or something. >> reporter: it all started when dykes stormed on this school bus, killed the driver and kidnapped the child. >> he said, i just want two kids. >> reporter: they were on that bus. they said that dykes got on and gave the driver what appeared to be a gift of broccoli and a note
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and demanded two children. >> the bus driver kept saying, just please get off the bus. he said, no. so, he just tried to back up and he pulled out the gun and he just shot him. and he just took ethan. >> reporter: when all of this started, what were you thinking? >> i was shocked. like, i never thought that i would have to go through a shootout. >> reporter: they were able to escape. while dykes ran off carrying little ethan. that's when their mother got the frantic call about the shooting. and went tho find them and thei older brother. >> i grabbed all three of them at once. i started crying. >> reporter: the children had seen dykes before. constantly working on his fence. neighbors say that he was a survivalist and had been violent toward local animals in the past. >> he was very protective about his stuff.
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whenever he stared at you he looked kind of crazy. >> reporter: as for little ethan, we have learned that he likes to sit in the same front-row seat. because he loves "the view." it believes that he's a child with autism. to everyone watching, who's nervous about ethan, what do you say? >> ethan would make it out there. >> reporter: these children believe that bus driver is a hero here, he immediately pushed an emergency button in that bus and tried calling 911 from his phone. that's believed when he was shot. by the way, police told us they believe that the child is physically unharmed, so that's some good news this morning. >> that's good news. gio has been on this story. let's go now to brad garrett, he joins us from washington this morning. brad, take us inside these
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hostage negotiations, how do you negotiate with a survivalist who has plenty of food and everything else he needs to stay in there, doesn't have to leave any time soon? how do you negotiate? >> because it's all about doing certain things in an order. in other words, what do you want, mr. dykes? he, early on in this negotiations, he would have told them he wants a, b and c. negotiators may know they're not realistic. but what they're going to do is negotiate pieces of that, for example, it appears that they have been able to get food and perhaps medicine into the bunker. now, that's important. because, it's mr. dykes sort of humanizing his captor. as long as you can keep that dynamic going that's where you want to be. dan, this case creates some unique challenges for tactical teams. because, how do you get into this bunker if they have to go in and safely get this
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5-year-old out? one entrance i suspect that there's no way to do a dynamic entry where you get in flash grenade and grab him. it's a very confined space. i think they'll try to wait him out. the problem is, you got a guy who's anti-government and is bent on doing one particular thing. and, my guess is, he's not going to get what he wants. >> and, brad, it's clear that he spent a lot of time preparing for this, do you think this can end peacefully as more and more days go on? >> it's very difficult to really figure that out. only because, at some point, i think, they're going to probably have to go in there. because he's not just going to let this child go. now, hopefully, that won't be the case. i'm not convinced that will be the best. ideally, can they talk this child out? i'm not completely optimistic
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they'll be able to do that. >> such a young child. brad garrett, we appreciate your time this morning. now, let's turn to ron claiborne for the other developing stories this morning. hi, ron. >> hi, there. we begin with that terrorist attack on the u.s. embassy in turkey that left one security guard dead. washington is now warning americans to stay away from diplomat mattic facilities in turkey. abc's nick schifrin is in an caria, turkey, with the latest. >> reporter: u.s. and turkish officials are combing through all of the evidence they can to find out who was behind this. u.s. officials are actually sifting through some of the debris that explosion caused yesterday. now, this bomb could have been much more deadly and it wasn't because of new security. that glass is bulletproof and this gate protects the embassy all of the way around. the building itself is about 500 feet.
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now, they tell me that they're back at work and across town, there's a funeral for the security guard. the ambassador here today is calling him a hero. >> okay, nick schifrin reporting. wall street is within striking distance of its all-time high. the dow closed above 14,000 for the first time in five years. the benchmark is now just 155 points away from its record high close. a convicted killer serving time in indiana. set free in chicago by mistake. is back in custody this morning. he was apprehended late last night without incident. he just walked out on wednesday after a local charge against him was dismissed. officials at the jail didn't know the paperwork. he had been sent to chicago to face the charge that was dropped there. and dozens of students have been disciplined over a cheating scandal that has rocked harvard university.
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about 60 students have been asked to temporarily withdraw from the school. as many as 125 students were implicated last for fall cheating for the introduction to congress course. they had the exact same answers word for word. including typos. finally, we heard talk of a chicken wing shortage, but that wasn't the case in philadelphia on friday, about 20,000 people turned out for wing bowl 21. the annual chicken wing competition, james "the bear" mcdonnell was the champion. he said that he planned to celebrate by eating some philly cheese steaks. >> really? >> which is why they call him the bear. >> thank you, ron. check out this amazing statistic. today is the first day since 1983 that neither bill nor
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hillary clinton have been in government office, ending a run of 10,980 days. hillary clinton stepped down from the state department on friday, was throwing punches and remaining coy on what's next. abc's reena ninan is in washington. >> reporter: it was really quite the sendoff, complete with gifts from staffers. and even tsa-approved three-ounce clear bottles for air travel. >> thank you. >> reporter: it was a good-bye a source close to the secretary described as high-charge and sentimental. >> quite a challenging week, saying good-bye to so many people. >> hi, how are you? >> reporter: labeled as traveling more than 1 million miles to more countries than any other secretary of state. >> i have spent many hours here in washington, around the world and in airplanes.
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>> reporter: she made clear from the start she wasn't living in anyone's shadow. >> my husband isn't secretary of state. i am. >> reporter: since then she's learned many new moves. >> as i look back over these past four years, i am very proud of the work we have done together. >> reporter: as she said her good-byes friday, she called for the mission to continue. >> i know that the world we are trying to help bring into being, in the 21st century, will have many difficult days. but i am more optimistic today than i was when i stood here four years ago. >> reporter: driving away for a private gathering at her home. she's not ready to fully reveal her next act. >> i will miss you. i will probably be dialing ops just to talk.
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i will wonder what you all are doing. because i know that, because of your efforts, day after day, we are making a real difference. >> and her successor has already been sworn in. tell us about that, reena. >> he was sworn in yesterday afternoon. he's expected to address the state department employees early monday morning. but i have a feeling, dan, that he'll receive less criticism over his hairstyles than she did. >> the former massachusetts senator john kerry sworn in yesterday and sworn in with cupcakes. i love that. welcome to the world's most stressful job and here's a cupcake. we're going to turn now to a dramatic 911 call made by a terrified young boy who was home alone when thieves broke into
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his florida home. it turns out it was his quick-thinking that helped police catch the intruder. >> reporter: this boy showed plenty of courage and as you said, some quick-thinking by grabbing a land line phone and calling for help as the intruders came barging into his family's home in miami beach. >> please hurry! >> okay, are you there? >> yes, i'm home. i'm home alone. please hurry. >> reporter: you can hear the panic in his voice. an 11-year-old boy, fighting his overwhelming fear as he calls 911 from a closet. all while a group of burglars ransacked his miami beach home. >> i was just scared and i was shocked. all that went through my mind, please don't see me. >> reporter: the boy whose identity we have concealed was home alone at the time. his mom out for a quick jog. he said that he first knew something was wrong when he heard a loud crash. then they started rummaging through drawers taking
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everything, from jewelry to an iphone. with the brave, little boy hidden just feet away. >> i heard them breaking things and things falling on the floor. they weren't speaking english. they were speaking like russian, or haitian or french or something. >> reporter: after several heart-pounding minutes, police arrived. catching one of the suspects at the scene. two others would be caught hours later. as for our young hero, he received a medal and a serious pat on the back from miami beach police. >> helping us to put some real bad guys away. he really did a great job. >> go with your gut, that's what i say. >> go with your gut. the boy's mother said that she always told her son to run and hide. it was a lesson well learned. when police arrived he was still in the closet, trembling but well. >> you can't blame him. >> i would have been terrified. the first thing he wanted to know was how his dog lolo was?
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>> ron, thanks. time for a check of the weather and ginger zee. we'll start with lake-effect snow. one of my favorite things to talk about it. northern ohio, 15 inches of snow, including chardon, ohio, it was kind of spotty, though, that's how it's going to be today. buffalo, going to get anywhere from 6 to 10 inches. watertown, also. snowmaker has given chicago some snow this morning. it will reach down into parts of west virginia is going to pick up some snow. northeast, by tomorrow, a couple of inches. we call it nuisance snow. it feels like 12 in chicago. 8, indianapolis. 22, nashville. look at this picture, though, you want to get warm, you go out west. phoenix is 75. l.a. is 75. a quick look at that super bowl forecast.
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65 right around game-time start and then 10:00, 53. that's the big pic >> couple of really beautiful skies sent to me on twitter. let's get right to it and show you. doesn't it look like a cottonelle commercial? like toilet paper in the sky. i got to describe them somehow. very pretty with that full moon in place. >> thank you, punxsutawney ginger.
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we appreciate it. now to our "good morning america" countdown to the super bowl. the big game is fun for the fans. but for the players, it's very serious business and a threat of a major concussion always hangs over the action. abc's jim avila has this exclusive look at this new cutting-edge technology that could save lives. >> reporter: at sports labs across the country, the race is on to find products that protect the brain and that can actually warn athletes of imminent concussion and brain damage. >> this is the equivalent of running at full speed and hitting a fully immovable object. >> reporter: reebok and the electronics company mc10 just developed this mesh cap. giving "good morning america" an exclusive first look. it's worn underneath head gear lined with sensors that monitor the strength and number of hits to the head in any contact
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sport. using green, yellow and red lights to warn teammates, coaches, trainers, even parents in the stands of serious impact. so if i'm in the huddle, i would see this blinking light. >> yeah, i might say, jimmy, are you okay? >> reporter: it's called check light. >> think of it as an extra set of eyes. >> reporter: he played in the nfl for eight seasons and said that this new warning system will help players stand up to the culture that urges them to play through damaging hits. >> it takes the issue of toughness out of it. this objective measure. >> reporter: super bowl center matt birk of the baltimore ravens said that they have an obligation to make it safely. he's donated his brain after death for concussion study. he said that this is critical.
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>> it's not like a broken bone or something that's very evident to the eye or to a medical doctor, and so, this device gives you instant feedback. >> reporter: jim avila, abc news, washington. >> it's an issue that the president would talk about it. he said if he had a son, he wasn't sure if he would let him play football. another story line leading up to the big line, for the first time, two brothers are coaching against each other in the super bowl or the brobowl. >> harbowl some are calling it. jim and john harbaugh went face to face in a rare pregame duel news conference. abc's chris connelly decided who won. >> reporter: is there such a thing as too much brotherly love? >> you always try to get great coaches. >> i concur. >> reporter: as their teams
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prepare to face each other in the super bowl. john harbaugh and jim harbaugh held a joint press conference respectively on friday. who won? >> welcome, thanks for coming. >> immediately john put points on the board. with a freshly pressed suit. >> what an honor it is for both of us to be here with each other. no question about it. >> reporter: and a gracious greeting. touchdown. john 7, jim 0. jim's 49ers can score in a hurry, so can he. >> le's into the end zone with a charm offensive. we're tied at 7. >> you knew we couldn't spell commonality. >> reporter: flag on the play. john is penalized 15 yards for piling on. last chance to dance. can field goals settle this ball -- battle of the harbaugh?
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>> there's no one in the family who has more competitive fire than my mother. >> what a kick. it ends in 10-10 tie. once again. >> i have given no consideration to the postgame handshake. have you, jim? >> i have not. >> we should say our partners over at espn are going all-out for the big game. make sure to watch "sunday nfl countdown" tomorrow, starting at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. and coming up on "good morning america" -- sound check. the man behind the manti te'o catfishing hoax, re-creates the female voice. our experts weigh in. also coming up on "good morning america" -- crying in your beer. we take you behind the scenes of the new heartwarming bud ad
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featuring a clydesdale. and it's groundhog day. punxsutawney phil makes his prediction. and we have another groundhog, staten island chuck who will answer the other question, who's going to win the super bowl? [ virginia ] i do have a healthy diet, but there are foods that i had no idea had so much acid in them. my dentist said that the acid in fruit, or fruit juice or fruit teas softens the enamel so that then it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone, it's gone. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel to help harden that enamel so that it's not brushed away. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. i can have the best of both worlds with pronamel.
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help satisfy your hunger longer with the special k protein line. willpower. what will you gain when you lose? another viva dare. our fans think there's a rule that a paper towel can't handle this. fans? now that's tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. a there is no mass-produced human.
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for america's fastest, most reliable internet. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. ♪ ♪ suddenly i see no shadow to see. an early spring for you and me. >> an early spring. there he is, punxsutawney phil on his big day, emerging from his hole. he didn't see his shadow, meaning, an early spring is on its way. they're ecstatic. ginger. >> liar! i mean, there's cloud cover. >> i've got a meteorologically sound reason why phil is wrong. >> people there are happy this morning. >> you can cut the tension in this room with a knife on the rivalry between ginger and phil.
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by the way, phil isn't the only groundhog in the prediction game. can staten island chuck pick the winner of the super bowl? big questions coming up in this half-hour. >> i'm betting on chuck this morning. also this morning, many football fans may find themselves tearing up sunday night. not because of the game, this budweiser commercial that's already going viral it's possibly the heartwarming super bowl ad ever. i dare you not to tear up, dan? >> yes, i'm already tearing up. >> beyonce will be storming the stage at halftime. we'll tell you why she's smiling in this video. but first, the guy behind the manti te'o hoax is now re-creating the voice.
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but, is it really him? abc's linsey davis consulted some experts. >> reporter: in an exclusive interview with dr. phil, ronaiah tuiasosopo not only admits that he was the mastermind behind the manti te'o girlfriend hoax. but he watched as this big, burly 22-year-old man goes behind this privacy screen and allegedly transforms his voice into the fictitious female character he created. here's the original voice. >> i'm just calling to say good night and i love you. >> and here's ronaiah tuiasosopo's version. >> i'm just calling to say good night and i love you. >> reporter: according to dr. phil's voice print experts, the first recordings behind the screen pointed toward a match. but dr. phil was still skeptical. so, he had ronaiah tuiasosopo record, again, from his home. again, here's a different voice mail. >> i don't know who answered your phone. and i don't care. >> reporter: here's ronaiah tuiasosopo's version. >> i don't know who answered
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your phone and i don't care. >> reporter: while dr. phil said that all three of his experts confirmed that his voice matched the voice on the voice mails. we asked our own expert. >> from the three voice mails that have been released there really are no signs that i think te'o could have heard, to give away that he wasn't talking to a woman and he was talking to a man. >> reporter: watch as we compare the two voice samples side by side. >> i got here. i'm getting ready for my first session. just wanted to call you and keep you posted. >> i'm getting ready for my first session and i just wanted to call you and keep you posted. >> reporter: when te'o sat down with katie couric last week, he said that he was convinced that he was talking to a girl. ronaiah tuiasosopo said that he created the whole lennay character as an escape from his own life burdened by childhood
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trauma. >> as we said, as if the story could not get more bizarre. >> time for a check of the other top stories. for that, let's go to ron. good morning, everyone. in the news, our first look at the man holding a 5-year-old boy hostage in alabama for five days now. authorities have released this picture of 65-year-old jimmy lee dykes, they believe that the little boy named ethan is unharmed. and the obama administration proposing new rules for school snacks to help fight childhood obesity. most candy and greasy males will be replaced by healthier alternati alternatives. and twitter said that it was hacked. for 250,000 users. passwords have been stolen in a sophisticated attack. twitter saidall of the victims attack. finally, one of the rarest ring animals was airlifted for urgent medical care. it was taken from the big island
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to oahu. because of breathing problems. they'll be an update on this coming up next week. now for the weather and ginger zee, who left her apartment and didn't see her shadow because it was 4:00 a.m. >> when you leave 4:00 a.m., it's the same answer every year. freeze warnings in florida. very cold morning from tallahassee to jacksonville, 29 degrees earlier this morning, 31 jacksonville. atlanta, at 27. it's frosty in the south and it's going to stay cold in the northeast. look at some of the numbers. these are high temperatures. the next four days for big cities like philadelphia, 28, only getting to just above freezing on monday. washington, tomorrow, around 40. new york city, 34 by monday. but, again, staying right around that freezing mark.
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>> officially i will contradict punxsutawney and go with more winter. sorry. >> but i like what he said so much more. >> whatever you want to believe. >> i believe you. for some, the best part of super bowl sunday is the commercials. and this year, we don't have to wait. many of them are already posted join online, including one that may be the most heartwarming yet. ♪ >> this clydesdale steals the show in budweiser's new commercial for the big game. from newborn. to awe-inspiring reunion. how cute. in real life the commercial's
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young star lives on warm springs ranch in missouri. >> she's 5 days old right now. she was standing within two hours of being born and she was nursing within three. >> reporter: she doesn't even have a name yet. budweiser is asking viewers to send in their suggestions on facebook and twitter. what she does have is that signature clydesdale look we have seen in super bowl commercials since 1986. a white-blazed down the face and those feathery white legs. >> these little guys have the potential of being budweiser clydesdales. >> reporter: when they're 4, they're considered mature. and they can do this, march in a parade. but this clydesdale is taking a shortcut to fame. as budweiser said, more than 100 million people will remember her long after the game is over. for "good morning america," darren ravell, missouri.
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>> she's adorable, isn't she? coming up on "good morning america" -- move over, phil. we'll introduce you to staten island. find out if a groundhog can predict a winner of the super bowl. and how can you combine nachos and lasagna? keep it here. and lasagna? keep it here.
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okay, we gotta time this just right. okay. ready... mm-hmm. happy valentine's day. [ female announcer ] the charmed memories collection at kay jewelers. each charm is hand-crafted in italy and with hundreds of charms to choose from, the possibilities are endless. turn your special moments into charmed memories. one more reason kay is the number one jewelry store in america. ready... [ camera flash ] ♪ every kiss begins with kay
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that's punxsutawney phil emerging from his hole this morning with no shadow in sight and predicting an early spring is on the way. he's not the only groundhog who's got game. >> that's right. there's another groundhog here in new york. state island chuck is predicting the outcome of the super bowl. abc's john muller is all over this story. >> reporter: staten island chuck weighs 13 pounds and eats corn for breakfast. he's a tough new york city groundhog. now, he joins a four-legged legion predicting who's going to disney land.
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>> well, it's groundhog day awaiting the forecast for punxsutawney phil. >> reporter: if you're like bill murray thinking that this is another groundhog day. think again, spring can wait. super bowl sunday is upon us. >> touchdown! >> reporter: so this morning, we asked the ultimate pigskin prognosticating question, can the groundhog predict the winner of the super bowl? for the answer, meet staten island chuck. he makes his home at the staten island zoo and in an "good morning america" exclusive, he's making his super bowl pick. will he catch 49er fever or go with ray lewis and the ravens? but before we reveal the inside information that will have you running to a las vegas sports book. if you're taking your cue from a monkey, they seem to be going heavy on the niners. same goes for the pick of the pups.
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mr. nuts here, well, this cool cat is betting on the baltimore. the porcupine likes the ravens. even this camel sees the ravens getting over the hump. are we sensing a trend? it's all up to you, staten island chuck. the first step, the bait. now, the choice. 49ers or ravens? get ready for the play by play. he breaks right. charges forward. very little hesitation. chuck is a groundhog who feels the pick in his gut. he's going, he's going, he's picking the 49ers to win super bowl xlvii. chew on that, america. if you played along at home, and haven't switched the channel, three animals going for 49ers and three animals going for the ravens, breaking the prediction right here, we go to the high seas. an aquarium in florida. they're going for the ravens. >> oh, no. >> go figure.
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there you have it. by the way, chuck, predicts an early spring. i can't remember the shadow thing. staten island chuck, also like punxsutawney phil, this morning, predicted an early spring. >> you channelled your inner sports commentator. >> bravo, john muller. >> take it away! >> love that. coming up here on "good morning america" -- halftime sneak peek, find out why beyonce is smiling in this commercial rehearsal video. one.
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all right, it's "pop news." and our entertainment reporter and host of "on the red carpet" rachel smith is here in new
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york. >> i brought a little treat for you, too. hang tight. folks, less than 36 hours until the super bowl, but if you can't wait, we've got another behind the scenes sneak peek to beyonce's halftime show. they posted this video. from day two to youtube. if you look closely, girls run the world. there's not a single guy up there. beyonce seems to be enjoying her moment in the spotlight. her backup singers are putting a big old smile on her face. maybe the only guy that could possibly be on the stage with her is jay-z. but who knows? we'll find out tomorrow, right? okay, another fabulous lady, first lady michelle obama, her new hairdo has received banging reviews from seemingly all, except from karl lagerfeld. in a recent interview, he said
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that it was a bad idea and that she looks like a news anchor. >> that is low. a news anchor? >> absolutely not. >> by the way, none of us have bangs. all right, of course, this isn't the first time that he's made digs at celebrities. but, let's move on. i promised you guys a treat. bring it on in, phil. >> punxsutawney phil. >> no quite. >> if you want to impress your guests this super bowl sunday, forget those theater nachos. this is nacho lasagna. it's not on the menu in new york city. you can get the ingredients and the recipe online at "good morning america." all right, stay tuned. we're going to take a quick break. we'll try it. more when we get back. stay tuned. >> i mean, check this out.
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all right. we got 13 seconds to give the verdict on the nacho lasagna. what is everyone saying? >> spicy. >> ron is skeptical. i like it. thank you for watching. we'll see you tomorrow morning. we'll see you tomorrow.
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